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Friday, October 9, 2015

What is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is using techniques which allow a marketer to make the best of both worlds – digital and marketing. 

One of the most important aspects of digital marketing is effective use of social media.
Active and smart use of social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ is a great way to build up your consumer base and interact with them on a daily basis.  Then there's email marketing which is more powerful if you have a database of consumers you wish to directly target.

Another important aspect of digital marketing is web design. However, most companies do not give it the importance it deserves.

Your website design is what usually decides whether the customers will make the purchase or not. Many studies have concluded that around 70% people decide the credibility of a business based the design of its website. So web design services and web developing services should figure high on your priority list while planning a campaign or for increasing the value of your brand.

More advanced services comprise SEO and SEM.

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization is an extremely important component of digital marketing. SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website (and thus, a brand) on the search engine result pages such as Google, Yahoo and Bing among others.  A smart SEO strategy will ensure that your brand ranks consistently high in search results.
SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing and it is a form of Internet marketing which involves promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results page primarily by purchasing ads.  Now, SEO and SEM might sound like they have the same function but that is not true. While the purpose of SEO is to get better organic search results , SEM helps you search engine users via paid links in addition to organic search in order to send them to your website.

Tip: Make sure the digital marketing agency you engage provides the full spectrum of digital services.

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